Wednesday, October 7, 2020

My brother and my dog


My brother’s name is Timoteo. He is seven years old. He plays football and he likes to watch TV. He likes board games. He also likes to jump in the elastic trampoline and he likes to ride his  bike. He climbs the tree in the garden. He likes to sleep.

 My dog’s name is Africa. She is seven years old. She sleeps every day. She walks in the garden. She plays with the ball. She is very calm. She likes to eat dog food and normal food.

My brother’s name isn’t Robert. He isn’t eleven years old. He  doesn’t play tennis and he doesn’t like to watch MOVIES. He  doesn’t like puzzles. He also  doesn`t like to walk in the elastic trampoline and he  doesn’t like to ride his  dog. He  doesn’t climb the car in the garden. He  doesn’t like to go shopping.


 My dog’s name isn’t Lola. She isn’t ten years old. She doesn’t sleep every morning. She doesn’t run in the garden. She doesn’t play with the cat. She isn’t very strong. She doesn’t like to drink milk.

Vica 16-12

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